Type : Special Messages
Date : December 24, 2021



Fellow Solomon Islanders

 2021 has not been an easy year. We have journeyed through some challenging times. But by God’s Grace and Guidance we have reached another Christmas, to celebrate together, as a Christian   nation, and commemorate the birth of our Redeemer and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Beloved people of Solomon Islands, on behalf of my family, and the Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement, I extend to you all, our very warm and sincere Christmas greetings.

Christmas is a time to celebrate Christ’s message of compassion, hope and love. It is a time to demonstrate God’s love to each other.

It is the season for giving and sharing, for supporting people in need in our communities. It is a time to reach out to neighbors who are sick, lonely or in need during this Christmas.

It is time a time for spiritual reflection on the transformational foundations of the Christian faith.

A time when Christians celebrate God’s fathomless LOVE for the world through the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ who paid for our salvation.

When Christ was born in this world, he did not come only to brighten it but to transform our lives as well. This Christmas, let us invite God’s Holy Spirit to transform us into His earthly vessels.

We also reflect collectively on our application of God’s LOVE in our families, workplaces, and our beloved nation. He never failed us yet.

As we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we also take this time to reflect upon our personal lives, as citizens of this beautiful and Christian nation.

Fellow Citizens, 2021 has been a very difficult and challenging one for our country.

We have seen our national unity as a nation tested during the recent riots.

We have witnessed the destruction of much of the economic infrastructure in Honiara.

But we have also seen the spirit of unity and cooperation with many of our residents in Honiara taking to the streets and joining hands to clean up our city.

By the Grace of God our country has survived efforts to create disunity among our people.

These challenges will never end. However, as a country, we will come out stronger and more united as long as we stand together as a people and as a nation in 2022 and beyond.

Through our almighty Father and with His Guidance and Blessings we will persevere as  one people and one country.

Fellow Solomon Islanders, I thank our Pacific neighbors and partner countries including Australia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji and New Zealand who have responded to our call for support to help    our country restore law and order for our people and our nation.

Just as God sacrificed His only son as a gift to mankind, these countries also made sacrifices to restore law and order so that we can celebrate the birth of our Lord with our families and loved    ones in peace and harmony.

Our economy has been seriously affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our export earnings had decreased.

Our revenue has reduced. Never before have we experienced such adversity and challenges  as a people and country.

But I say again, we will persevere.

COVID-19 continue to rage like wild-fire unabated in many parts of the world.

To date, there are about 275 Million COVID – 19 cases recorded globally.

The total deaths stand at more than 5 million. Solomon Islands recorded only 20 cases since the pandemic started and no deaths. We are blessed to be COVID -19 free for more than 7 months now.

As we celebrate the Birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, let us lift our Prayers of Praise and Thanksgiving to get our Great  God, who has been our Captain and our Guide  throughout this     challenge year.

If we have not done it before, let us use the occasion to take a hard, personal look at our own lives and see how we personally relate to this babe of Bethlehem, our Saviour and Redeemer, Jesus   Christ, in the way we conduct ourselves and the various responsibilities he has placed under our care as stewards.

Let all Christians use the occasion to sit together and reflect on how we have conducted ourselves as a Christian nation. Let us take the occasion to allow the Holy Spirit to do its work in our own     lives so that we can have a meaningful relationship with this man whose birthday we are celebrating.

Let Him instill in our lives the spirit of forgiveness, acceptance, tolerate, and unity as carried in our national anthem, “that men should brothers be make nation see”

As a nation we acknowledge that He alone granted us all the knowledge, the wisdom, and the power we needed, to push on, to persevere and to protect our people and our country from COVID-19   and the many other challenges we faced this year.

Let me now pay homage to all citizens of our country, and to all those that live in this country, for your resilience in the face of hardship as our nation confronted the impact of the global COVID-   19 pandemic.

Thank you, people of Solomon Islands for standing united, and standing strong, as one people and one nation for God.

Thank you for your patience, and for ongoing support to the work the government has been doing to protect our country from COVID-19, and keeping our economy afloat.

I thank all our front-liners including members of our disciplined forces, who since the beginning of last year, had gone beyond the call of duty to protect our country from COVID-19, I salute all   our front-liners, for putting your lives on the lie, as you protect our Country.

Thank you to our churches for uplifting the hopes of our people through your continued prayers, praise and worship.

I further extend my appreciation to members of the mainstream media for disseminating the voices and the messages from the churches, the government and others that contributed to the fight   against COVID-19 in Solomon Islands.

To our development partners, without your help, our fight against ‘COVID-19 would have been found wanting. Thank you development partners and donors for your tremendous support in   helping my government combat COVID-19 in Solomon Islands.

The overall situation could be worse and more challenging but thanks to the ‘Oversight Committee’ for your steadfast to keep this nation on the front-foot in our flight against COVID-19. Your s   steadfast work, often in the face of negative criticisms, only strengthened your collective resolve to protect our country.

To the members of my Cabinet, and the Government Caucus, thank you for the political solidarity that has allowed our government to continue to serve and protect our country and our people.

To the Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and the private sector, I thank you for being a valued partner with our Government during these difficult times.

We have been put here by the Almighty God, to lead our nation, during these unprecedented and challenging times.

To all our families, thank you for all your enduring support and prayers. We thank you for your unwavering support and understanding. We are eternally grateful. We cannot serve our people and  country without your encouragement, support and understanding.

One of our greatest holiday traditions is taking care of each other and it is something Solomon Islanders do all year round. Rain or shine, we show up for each other, because that is who we are.   Let us keep up that spirit.

Today, let us stand in unity and join hands as we look forward to 2022 and the challenges it will bring.

Fellow Solomon Islanders,

I want to take this opportunity on behalf of myself and family to wish a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to;

  • The Governor General of Solomon Islands His Excellency , Sir David Vunagi and Lady Vunagi and Family
  • Speaker of the Parliament – Hon. Patterson Oti and Madam Oti and family;
  • Chief Justice – His Lordship Sir Albert Rocky Palmer and Lady Palmer and family;
  • Deputy Prime Minister – Hon. Manasseh Maelanga, MP and Madam and family;
  • Ministers of the Crown, Government backbenchers and their families;
  • Leader of the Official Opposition and family;
  • Leader of the Independent Members and family;
  • Members of Parliament and their families;
  • Attorney General and family;
  • Commissioner of Police and family;
  • Constitutional Post Holders and their families;
  • Permanent Secretaries, Senior Government Officials and your families
  • Provincial Premiers and Members of Provincial Assemblies and their families;
  • Mayor of Honiara City, Councillors and their families;
  • Heads and Members of the Diplomatic Corps;
  • Representatives of our Development Partners;
  • Management & Staff of State –Owned Enterprises (SOE) and Authorities;
  • Heads of Statutory Organizations;
  • Representative of all Churches, Church Leaders and Clergies;
  • Chairman, Executive, and Members of the Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industries;
  • Representatives of Civil Society and Community – based Organizations;
  • The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF);
  • The medical profession, all doctors and nurses;
  • The Judiciary and Legal Services and the Legal Fraternity;
  • Our Famers and Fishermen in our Rural Areas;
  • Our Shipping Operators and other Transport Services Providers;
  • Multilateral, International and Regional Organisations;
  • Regional & National NGOs and Community-based Organisation;
  • Media Organizations;
  • Our Pensioners and Retirees;
  • All the men and women, boys and girls throughout Solomon Islands;

Let me close with a quote from the Book of Luke Chapter 2, and verse 11..and I quote..

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord,”

To God be the Glory, Great things He hath done.

May God Richly Bless Solomon Islands During this Christmas Season from shore to shore.

We are one people. We are one nation. We are one country. Emmanuel, God is with us.

Merry Christmas and a very happy new year to you all.

Thank you  and have a Blessed Christmas!!!

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