Safety tips for deal
- Use a safe location to meet seller
- Avoid cash transactions
- Beware of unrealistic offers
Ministry of Health & Medical Services
Ministerial Tender Board Reference MTB G 03/22
Name of Project: Supply and Delivery of Medical Equipment for Guadalcanal Province AHCs.
The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) wishes to invite interested eligible qualified suppliers to submit tenders for the Supply and delivery of Medical Equipment for the Ministry of Health and Medical Services. The goods are to be delivered to the National Medical Stores at Ranadi. This specified in the attached Technical Specification and schedule of Requirement.
Evaluation and award of contract will be on the basis of substantially response lowest price tender. Full details for these items are provided in the attached Technical Specifications and Schedule of Requirements.
Bidding will be conducted through the Competitive Tendering procedure specified in the Procurement Regulations 2021, the SIG Financial Instructions 2013 and the Procurement and Contract Administration Manual and is open to all eligible Tenderers.
To be eligible for evaluation a tenderer must meet the following criteria:
Mandatory Preliminary Evaluation Requirements:
Financial Reports for the last two years: balance sheet, profit and loss statements, auditors reports, etc. List them below and attach copies
Sales and it is sufficient if the business has been operational for the three years specified
The minimum warranty period of 12 months.
A complete set of Tender documents in English may be obtained by applying by email to the Tender Administrator at a) below, during normal working hours.
All Tenders in one original plus one copy, properly filled in, and enclosed in plain envelopes must be delivered to the address b) below. Tenders shall be valid for a period of 120 days after the deadline of Tender submission. Tenders will be opened promptly thereafter in public and in the presence of the Tenderers representatives who chose to attend at the address in (C) below. Late or incomplete tenders shall not be accepted.
Take note that any attempt by a tenderer to influence the award of the tender in favor of any tenderer will lead to disqualification of that tenderer and may lead to criminal proceedings.
Tender Administrator:
Wilson Tau
Procurement Unit
Ministry of Health & Medical Services, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Phone: (+677) 25454
Tender Submission:
Time: At or before 2pm, Thursday 16th June 2022
Tender Box: MHMS Procurement Unit
Address To: Chairman, Ministerial Tender Board
Ministry of Health and Medical Services
P.O Box 349
China Town, Honiara
C) Tender Opening:
Time: 2:30pm, Thursday 16th June 2022
Place: Ministerial tender Board,
Ministry of Health and Medical services
Leaf Hut, MHMS Compound
Mention when calling seller to get a good deal