• Ministry of Infrastructure: Invitation For Bids

Ministry of Infrastructure: Invitation For Bids



Type : Notice
Date : April 13, 2023


Invitation For Bids

Loan/Grant No. and Title: Loan 4086/Grant 0794-SOL: Land and Maritime Connectivity Project (Tranche 1)

Contract No. and Title: CW 03 (TI-HON-LMCP 25/23 CTB C15/23): Road Maintenance Package for the Feeder Roads – East Honiara Section

Deadline for Submission of Bids: 11 May 2023: 14:00 (local time – Honiara)

1.  The Solomon Islands Government (SIG) has received financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) toward the cost for the Land and Maritime Connectivity Project (LMCP). Part of this financing will be used for payments under the Contract named above. Bidding is open to Bidders from eligible source countries of ADB.

2.  The Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) of the Solomon Islands Government (“the Employer”) invites sealed bids for the construction and completion of the Road Maintenance Package Works for the Feeder Roads – East Honiara Section of about 6.20 km sealed Feeder Roads in the East Honiara (the Works).

 The scope of works includes the following:


Name of Road

Road Start and End Point

Length (km)

B. Feeder Roads – East Honiara


Kola”s Cemetery Road


Talise Market Junction


E-Honiara Road junction beside St Barnabas Cathedral



HCC to #9 road


HCC  Roundabout  near  MID headquarter



E-Honiara main road junction (Opposite #9   Hospital)


Chung Wah Road


Junction on HCC to #9 road (opp Bulkshop)



Junction on HCC to #9 road (opp FFA-Kolale road)


FFA-Kolale road


Junction on HCC to #9 road (opp Chung Wah Road)



FFA gate


China Town to Vara Creek Road


Junction on HCC to #9 road (opp Chung Wah Road)



Bridge to Tuvaruvu  Road


Tuvaruvu road


End of Bridge to Tuvaruvu Road



Tuvaruvu Unsealed road


West Kola


Talise Market Junction



Crown Base

subtotal (B)


3.  Open competitive bidding (OCB-National) will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s Single- Stage: One-Envelope procedure and is open to all Bidders from eligible countries as described in the Bidding

4.  Only eligible Bidders with the following key qualifications defined in the Bidding Document may participate in this

Soundness of the Bidder’s financial position showing through audited annual financial statements for the last 3 years.

As a minimum, the Bidder’s net worth for the last year calculated as the difference between total assets and total liabilities should be positive.

Minimum average annual construction turnover of Solomon Island Dollar (SBD) Six Million (SBD 6,000,000) calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed, within the last 3 years.

Financial Resources requirement (as defined in the bid document) must meet or exceed the total requirement for the Subject Contract of Solomon Island Dollar (SBD) One Million (SBD 1,000,000). Current contract commitments and latest information on financial resources supported by latest audited accounts or audited financial statements, or if not required by the law of the Bidder’s country, other financial statements acceptable to the Employer, and the Bidders’ financial capacity, will be assessed on this.

Participation in at least one contract that has been successfully or substantially completed within last five (5) years and that is similar to the proposed works, where the value of the Bidder’s participation under the contract exceeds Solomon Island Dollar (SBD) Two Million Four Hundred Thousand (SBD 2,400,000).

The similarity of the Bidder’s participation shall be based on

Road Maintenance Work of Minimum 5 km road for at least 1or more year duration in a single contract.

5.  To obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents, Bidders should contact:

Mike Qaqara
Director Civil Engineering (Ag) Ministry of Infrastructure Development
Honiara, Solomon Islands
Phone No. +677- 22262
Email Address: mqaqara@mid.gov.sb

6.  To purchase the bidding documents in English, eligible bidders should write to address above requesting the Bidding Documents for CW 03 (TI-HON-LMCP 25/23 CTB C 15/23): Road Maintenance Package for the Feeder Roads – East Honiara Section under Loan 4086/Grant 0794-SOL: Land and Maritime Connectivity Project (Tranche 1) pay a non-refundable fee of Solomon Islands Dollars (SBD)Two Hundred (SBD 200.0) or equivalent in a freely convertible currency by either (a) cashier’s check payable to the Ministry of Infrastructure Development or (b) direct deposit to a specified account number (to be provided upon request).

7.  Deliver your bid to the address:

Central Tender Board
Ministry of Finance and Treasury
MOFT Compound
Town Ground, Mendana Avenue
Honiara, Solomon Islands

on or before the deadline 11 May 2023: 14:00 ( local time– Honiara).

together with a Bid Security as described in the Bidding.

Bids will be opened promptly after the deadline for bid submission in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.

Director, CPIU

Mention classified.islesmedia.net when calling seller to get a good deal



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