Safety tips for deal
- Use a safe location to meet seller
- Avoid cash transactions
- Beware of unrealistic offers
Vacancy Notice
Applications are invited for suitably qualified and experienced persons for the following vacant positions of the Driver for Met & Corporate Service.
Men and women from all provinces are encouraged to apply.
1. Vacancy Ref No: 01/2021
Position No: 299 – 00093
Position Title: Driver
Level: 2
Location: HQ Corporate service
Required Qualifications: Basic Knowledge
2.Vacancy Ref No: 02/2021
Position No: 299-00097
Position Title: Driver
Level: 2
Location: S.I Met service
Required Qualifications: Basic Knowledge of vehicle maintenance/up keeping, clean driving record and 3 years driving experience
NB: Those already submitted their EQI for said drivers post need not re-apply again.
Important note for interested candidates
Closing Date for Applications: Friday 10/9/21, 4:00 pm
Important note for interested candidates
A copy of the Application for Employment – RS Form 6 JD (RS Form 2) and each position information can be obtained from the HR Unit of MECDM, ATL Building, Point Cruz
Documents Required
RS Form 6 – Application for Employment SIG Cover Sheet
Letter of Application
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Certified copies of your qualification
You will need to post or hand deliver the certified copies of your qualifications, as these cannot be send by email.
Do NOT send originals Please note: All documents submitted as part of the application will remain the property of the Solomon Islands Government and will not be returned to applicants
Medical Report and Police Clearance
You do NOT have to provide copies of medical report or policy clearance when you apply, but if you are shortlisted this will be discussed with you.
For all queries about the application process or the position please contact:
Name: Lizzie Selo or Alley Orelly
Phone: 24101 / 23031
Send your applications addressed to:
PS/MECDM, Box 21, Honiara, ATL building Second floor, Point Cruz.
Mention when calling seller to get a good deal