• Ministry of Culture & Tourism: : MTB 05 / 21/06/21

Ministry of Culture & Tourism: : MTB 05 / 21/06/21

P.O Box G20 Anthony Saru Biulding level 2


Type : Notice
Date : November 16, 2021
Condition : New


Ministry of Culture and Tourism


 Tender Reference Number: MTB 05 / 21-Lot 1 – Retaining Wall and Footbridge

 Tender Reference Number: MTB 06 / 21-Lot 2 – Amenity Facility

The Tourism Division Office invites interested eligible bidders to submit tender for any of the following, the construction of Retaining Wall and Footbridge and    Amenities Facility Project

  To be eligible to participate, tenderers must meet the purchaser’s minimum eligibility requirements, as follows:

• Be a legally registered business with the Company Haus

• Have a bank account with a commercial bank operating in the SI

• Have the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) letter for Tax Identification number (TIN)

Bidding will be conducted through the Competitive Tendering procedure specified in the SIG Financial Instructions 2013 and the Procurement and Contract   Administration Manual 2013, and is open to all eligible Tender.

The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive evaluated tender.

Interested eligible Tenderer may obtain further information from the Tourism Division of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism at the Anthony Saru Building, Level 2,   Honiara upon presenting a receipt of Non-refundable fee of $200.00 paid at the MoFT cashier to account code: 101-20-383-000-13233

Contact Ms Nina Philmarie Fakaomea on email NFakaomea@tourism.gov.sb or Shoren Negoa on Email SNegoa@tourism.gov.sb or by office phone, 28603/20216.

Completed Bid/Tenders, must be delivered to the address below at or before 2pm, Thursday 25th November 2021 address below:


Ministerial Tender Board

Ministry of Culture and Tourism

PO Box G20, Honiara, Solomon Islands


Mention classified.islesmedia.net when calling seller to get a good deal



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