Safety tips for deal
- Use a safe location to meet seller
- Avoid cash transactions
- Beware of unrealistic offers
Malaita Provincial Government
Invitation to Tender for works
Date of issue of invitation: Monday 16th August 2021
Tenders are invited from qualified persons or entities for the work contract described below.
Name of project: Construction of Auki Tourism & Cultural Center Tender Ref. No. TRM 21/01
Tender documents in electronic form can be requested without charge from the Office of the Provincial Secretary on
Phone number 40071, Auki Malaita Province or
A charge of SBD $200 per set will be made for hard copies of the tender documents.
Instructions to bidders are included with the tender documents.
Tenders close at 2pm on Thursday 16th September 2021.
Tenders received after the closing time will not be considered.
Prospective tenderers are encouraged to attend a pre-tender briefing 9.00 am, 24th August 2021 at the Malaita Assembly Chamber general conference room.
The Provincial Government is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender. Failure by tenderers to comply with the tender instructions may lead to disqualification of their tender.
Any attempt by any person or a tenderer to influence the outcome of the tender in their favour will cause automatic disqualification of their tender.
Any attempt by any person or a tenderer to influence the outcome of the tender in their favour will cause automatic disqualification of their tender and may lead to criminal proceedings.
Mention when calling seller to get a good deal