My fellow Solomon Islanders, men, women, boys, girls and all our friends.
Allow me on this auspicious occasion of the 46th Independence Anniversary celebration, to convey my congratulatory message to our people from Ontong Java in the North to Rennel Island in the South, from Shortland Islands in the West to Tikopia Island in the East. I extend to you warm greetings as we acknowledge our 46 years of the birth of our nation
As a nation, we have recently come through tough times. The COVID- 19 pandemic and the November riot of 2021 have tested our resolve as a nation. Each time we faced these challenges, our resilience as one people has proven triumphant. We have also exercised our rights by electing our representatives in the recent National General Elections where the outcome of it is respected and embraced by all. The elections including the election of the Prime Minister which was successful and peaceful.
Fellow Solomon Islanders, I wish to acknowledge our bilateral and multilateral partners for standing with us during our challenging times. As we celebrate our 46th year of independence, we must continue to display the spirit of perseverance, unity and genuine partnership. We need to work with everyone in the true spirit of ‘friends to all and enemy to none’.
As a nation of diverse cultures and traditions, our single most important task is to remain committed to the spirit of togetherness and embrace our diverse values and principles. We must continue to cultivate a culture of mutual respect and tolerance.
This year’s theme ‘’Charting our United and Transformative future together” is in line with the ambition of the Government for National Unity and Transformation (GNUT), which is to engage in transformative developments that unites our country whilst fostering peace,tranquillity and compassion.
The Government alone cannot single handedly drive its policy ambitions, it has to have the cooperation and support of each Solomon Islanders. I, therefore, humbly request everyone to continue to play your respective role in supporting the government and people of our beloved nation Solomon Islands. Together we can transform our country and to bring about the desired future that we all want.
But above all, we must continue to acknowledge the guiding hands of our Heavenly Father who stood with us since we gained independence and will continue to do so as we chart our path into the future.
Our Father in Heaven is the God of the Universe and the God of Solomon Islands. I wish to commit our country and people to God. For without Him we are nothing.
Fellow Solomon Islanders, we can do anything through Christ who strengthens us.
We are one people. We are one nation. We are SolomonIslands.
May God bless Solomon Islands from shore to shore.
Happy 46th Independence Anniversary.
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