• PMO: Expression of Interest

PMO: Expression of Interest

Point Cruz


Type : Notice
Date : August 9, 2021
Condition : New


Request of Expression of Interested (EOI) for Government Printing Service Contract

The Office of The Prime Minister &Cabinet (OPMC) has budget in financing cost of contracting a well-established printing firm to be appointed as the Official Government Printer as per the Interpretation and General Provision Act to be responsible for printing government official documents. (Refer to the Terms of Reference for Details)


OPMC now invites eligible printing companies to indicate their interest in providing the printing service for printing of Solomon Islands Government documents as started in the Interpretation General Provision Act.

Interested companies must provide information indicating their capability to perform the service (deion  of similar undertakings, experience, and availability of skills amongst staff, meeting all statutory requirement such as HCC Business License, Business Registration Certificate and Tax Identification Number).


The Printing Company must have digital printing machine which is fast, reliable and can perform heavy printing work and producer quality outputs.

The company must have QuarkXPress software and able to meet printing deadlines.

The successful company will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Solomon Islands Procurement and Contract Administration Manual 2013 and SIG Financial Instruction 2010 and will be the Solomon Islands Government Printer.

Interested printing companies may obtain further information at the address below during office hours.


Expressions of interest must be delivered in sealed envelope to the address below by COB of 23rd August 2021.
Secretary Ministerial Tender Board
Office of Prime Minister   & Cabinet

Attention: Mr .Jackson Mewa

Email address: jmewa@pmc.gov.sb

Phone: 21863 / 21019, Ext 216  

 Expiry Date: 20/08/2021 2:00 pm

Mention classified.islesmedia.net when calling seller to get a good deal



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