• Ministry of Finance: Supply and Provision of ESET

Ministry of Finance: Supply and Provision of ESET

Point Cruz


Type : Notice
Date : August 5, 2021
Condition : New




(ESET Protect Entry 1 Year Licenses)

Reference Number: MTB C 02/2021

The SIG Information Communication Technology Services (ICTS) of the Ministry of Treasury invites interested eligible Tenders to submit Tenders for Supply and provision of ESET PROTECT ENTRY at Lengakiki in Honiara, Solomon Islands.

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Tender Number:  MTB C 02/21

Project Name:   Supply and provision of ESET PROTECT ENTRY

Closing Date and Time:  Friday 20th of August 2021

Full description  of the Tender is described in Section 5, Specifications and Technical specification of the Tender documents.

2. To Qualify for the Tender, Suppliers must;

  • Local Tenders: Be registered with the Company Haus with a Certification of Business Registration or be a Registered Company, a Tax Identification Number (TIN) from Inland Revenue Division, a Bank Account and must be in business for the last five years.
  • International tenderers: Provide Business certificate (Registration) in Country of registration and evidence of establishment of business within the last five (5) years
  • Show evidence in its financial statement of the availability of liquid assets, net of outstanding contractual commitment of at least 20% of the total tender price. Alternatively must show evidence of access to a credit line with a reputable local bank to finance the contract.
  • Not have been blacklisted nor suspended by a SIG ministry or agency; it must have no record of poor or failure of past performance in any of its previous contracts.

3  Tendering will be conducted through the SIG standard Competitive Tendering Procedures, and is open to all Eligible tenderers as defined in the Tender Documents.

4  Interested eligible tender may obtain the Tender Documents and /or further information from:

5  Tenders must be delivered to the address below at or before 2:00pm on 20th August 2021, at CTB counter at MoFT. 

  • Alternative submission can be electronically send to serehiru@sig.gov.sb before 2:00pm on 19th August 2021. Late Tenders will be rejected. Tenders will be opened physically in the presence of the tenderers ‘representatives who choose to attend in person at the Ministry of Finance & Treasury Leaf Hut on the same day of the submission, shortly after the due time at 2:00pm.

6.  Tender Envelope for both Tenders is to be marked appropriately in separate Envelopes as follows:

  • MTB C 02/21- “Provision of ESET PROTECT Entry”
  • All Tenders to be marked the “Tenderer’s Name” on the outside of the envelope and Tenderers must ensure they filled in the “Lodgment Register” at the CTB Officer cashier,

7   The Ministerial tender Board (MTB) reserves the right to accept or reject any or call of the tenders.


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