Safety tips for deal
- Use a safe location to meet seller
- Avoid cash transactions
- Beware of unrealistic offers
From: The Minister, Hon Peter Shanel Agovaka, MP,Permanent Secretary, Mr. Moses Virivolomo, Director and staff of CAASI and staff of the Ministry of Communication and Aviation
To: Governor General, Speaker of National Parliament, Hon. Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, The Government Group, Opposition Group, Independent Group, Church Leaders, Chiefs, Elders and Community Leaders, Business houses, Aid donors, NGOs, Members of the Diplomatic Corps and all Good People of this Country.
We are pleased once again to greet all, both at home and abroad as we celebrate the 44th Anniversary of our Independence with the theme: “Iumi Tugeda for Stronger and Peaceful Solomon Islands”. We thank God Almighty for the many blessings so richly bestowed upon us and for bringing us safely to yet another year of celebration.
Reflection on the pursuit and achievement of national Independence provides a timely reminder of the importance of taking responsibility for our own lives and our own future.
Independence never promised to confer only benefits. It also imposes serious responsibilities – the responsibility to be productive and efficient in what we do; the responsibility to nurture and to guard jealously those moral and spiritual values which have served us so well throughout the preceding years; and the responsibility to see hard work, sacrifice, and the pursuit of excellence as the best means by which to protect and promote that independence for which we achieved 44 years ago.
May we continue to seek God’s wisdom and strength towards our beloved nation to bring prosperity, unity and peace and our aim must be to create a Solomon Islands in which can be found families that are sound, communities that are vibrant, a society that is just, and a nation in which the well-known Solomon Islanders resilience continues to reveal itself.
We are living in very difficult and challenging times, therefore with our telecommunication and aviation partners, will continue to provide an efficient, safe and affordable integrated aviation and telecommunication services for the Solomon Islands which is essential as a national priority soar to create a better and safer Solomon Islands for all; past, present and future Solomon Islanders.
Happy 44th Independence Anniversary and Community
God Bless Solomon Islands from shore to shore
Mention when calling seller to get a good deal