Safety tips for deal
- Use a safe location to meet seller
- Avoid cash transactions
- Beware of unrealistic offers
Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the following vacant positions in the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Labour & Immigration.
Men and women from all provinces are encouraged to apply.
1.Vacancy No: MCILI 1/2021
Position No: 288-00003
Position Title : Register of Companies
Division: Company Register
Level: SS1/SS2
Location: Honiara
Qualifications: A postgraduate or bachelor of Law degree from recognized institutions and other related fields with 5 years working experience in the public or private sectors
2. Vacancy No. MCILI 2/2021
Position No: 288-00014
Position Title: Financial Controller
Division: HQ Admin
Level: L12/13
Location: Honiara
Qualifications: A postgraduate or bachelor of Accounting and Management from recognized institutions and other related fields with more than 8 years working experience in both the public and private sectors
3.Vacancy No. MCILI 3/2021
Position No: 288-00279
Position Title: Principle Register Companies
Division: Company Register
Level: L8/9
Location: Honiara
Qualifications: A bachelor degree in Information Technology, Business Administration and Management from any recognized institution
4.Vacancy No: MCILI 4/2021
Position No: 288-00142
Position Title: Principle Commercial Officer
Division: Business and Cooperatives
Level: L8/9
Location: Honiara
Qualifications: A bachelor degree in Accounting, Banking, Commerce, Economics and Management from any recognized institution and 5 years working experiences in private or public Sector
5.Vacancy No. MCILI 5/2021
Position No: 288-00066
Position Title: Principle Labour Office-Gizo
Division: Labour
Level: L8/9
Location: Gizo
Qualifications: Degree in Labour Laws, Industrial Relations, Public Administration/Policy and Management
6.Vacancy No. MCILI 6/2021
Position No: 288-00148
Position Title: Principle Immigration Officer (Training Development)
Division: Immigration
Level: L8/9
Location: Honiara
Qualifications: Bachelor of Education and Management with more than 5 years teaching experiences in secondary/tertiary institutions or Bachelor in Public Administration and related fields with more than 5 years working experiences
7.Vacancy No. MCILI 7/2021
Position No: 298-00019
Position Title: Senior Commercial Officer
Division: Business and Cooperatives
Level: L7/8
Location: Honiara
Qualifications: Bachelor of Commerce major in Economics and Financial Management & related fields with more than 4 years working experience in both the public and private sectors
8.Vacancy No: MCILI 8/2021
Position No: 288-00116
Position Title: Assistant Secretary Price Advisory Committee (PAC)
Division: Consumer Affairs Price Control
Level: L7/8
Location: Honiara
Qualifications: Bachelor of Commerce major in Accounting, Finance or Economics & related fields with at least 5 years working experience in both the public and private sectors
9.Vacancy No. MCILI 9/2021
Position No. 288-00135
Position Title. Trade Inspector
Division. Labour
Level. L7/8
Location. Honiara
Qualifications: Certified license holders in Mechanic and Allied Trade, Diploma in Labour Law, Employment Industrial Relations, Public Administration/ Policy & Management
10.Vacancy No: MCILI 10/2021
Position No: 288-00008
Position Title: Clerical Assistant II
Division: HQ Admin
Level: L3/4
Location: Honiara
Qualifications: Form 3/5 School leavers and above, well-disciplined person with at least 5 years of working experience.
11.Vacancy No. MCILI 11/2021
Position No: 288-00122
Position Title: Driver
Division: HQ Admin
Level: L2
Location: Honiara
Qualifications: Form 3/5 School leavers and above, well-disciplined person with at least 5 years of driving experience
Important note for interested candidates
Relevant forms and information packs for each position can be obtained from our office – Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Labour And Immigration.
With the corporate Support Service HR Unit
Documents Required
1.RS Form 6 – Application for Employment Solomon Islands Government Cover Sheet
2.Letter of Application
3.Curriculum Vitae (CV
4.Certified copies of your qualifications
Medical Report and Police Clearance
You do NOT have to provide copies of medical report or policy clearance when you apply, but if you are shortlisted this will be discussed with you.
Please note
You do NOT have to provide copies of medical report or policy clearance when you apply, but if you are shortlisted this will be discussed with you.
Please note. All documents submitted as part of the application will remain the property of the Solomon Islands Government and will not be returned to applicants
Closing date for Applicants: 25/10/2021 Time 4:30pm
Important note for interested candidates
Relevant forms and information packs for each position can be obtained from our office – Ministry Of Commerce, Industries, Labour And Immigration with the Corporate Support Service HR Unit
Documents Required
1. RS Form 6 – Application for Employment Solomon Islands Government Cover Sheet
2. Letter of Application
3. Curriculum Vitae (CV
4. Certified copies of your qualifications
Medical Report and Police Clearance
You do NOT have to provide copies of medical report or policy clearance when you apply, but if you are shortlisted, this will be discussed with you.
Please note: All documents submitted as part of the application will remain the property of the Solomon Islands Government and will not be returned to applicants
You will need to post or hand deliver the certified copies of your qualifications, as these cannot be send by email. Do NOT send originals.
For all queries about the application process or the position/s please contact:
Names: Trina Hugho or Maria Emos
Phone: 22856/25081
Facebook link : Ministry of Commerce
Mention when calling seller to get a good deal