• Meteorological Service Division: Western Province

Meteorological Service Division: Western Province

Western Province


Type : Awareness
Date : February 15, 2022
Condition : New


Weather Forecast issued by the Solomon Islands Meteorological Service valid for the next 18 hours from 6:00am, on Tuesday, 15th February 2022.

General Situation

A general easterly wind flow persists over the Solomon Islands whilst a trough lies south of the country.

Weather Warnings.


 Western Province

A few showers and thunderstorms. Light to moderate northeast to southeast winds. Outlook for Tomorrow: Fine apart from a few showers.

Sunset this evening will be at 6:46pm

Sunrise tomorrow morning will be 06:22am

The next routine forecast will be issued at 6:00pm this evening

Last modified on Tuesday, 15 February 2022 05:43

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