Call for Expert Consultant(s) in Mitigation and Adaptation for Technology Need Assessment in Solomon Islands
The current Global TNA project, deriving from window (i) of the Strategic Program on Technology Transfer, is designed to support countries to carry out improved Technology Needs Assessments within the framework of the UNFCCC.
The purpose of the TNA project is to assist participant developing country Parties identify and analyse priority technology needs, which can form the basis for a portfolio of environmentally sound technology (EST) projects and programmes to facilitate the transfer of, and access to, the ESTs and know-how in the implementation of Article 4.5 of the UNFCCC Convention.
Technical assistance is provided to Solomon Islands, through UN Environment and the UNEP DTU Partnership with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), to carry out Technology Needs Assessments (TNA) within the framework of the UNFCCC.
To support and facilitate the TNA process, national experts are being recruited for the execution of activities in relation to climate change mitigation (focusing on Energy and Forestry sectors) and climate change adaptation (focusing on Food, Water security and Resettlement sectors). Expert consultants will work under the direct supervision of the TNA Coordinator based at the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Disaster Management & Meteorology (MECDM) in Solomon Islands.
a) The Expert Consultant (EC) should possess at least a postgraduate degree in a relevant
Field for the task.
b) The Expert Consultant should possess at least 5 years of work experience in the adaptation and mitigation sector or related fields
Profile and Skills
The Expert Consultant (EC) should have applied knowledge in mitigation / adaptation technologies in the relevant sectors in the country context. He/She should have extensive knowledge of – and experience with climate change mitigation or adaptation strategies (as relevant), technologies and policies at national level. More specifically he/she should be familiar with national development objectives and sector policies, have overall insights in climate change science, and potential climate change impacts, as well as mitigation or adaptation needs for the country in the relevant sector(s). Moreover, the EC should have good coordination and facilitation skills, and possess proven analytical capabilities, as well as excellent writing skills
Working Arrangement
The Expert Consultant will be contracted directly by MECDM with assistance by the UNEP DTU Partnership (UDP) on a part-time basis, and will be required to be available for the performance of the tasks and delivery of the required outputs. He /She will be required to be available for the timely delivery of milestones relevant to the specified tasks over the duration of the project, as required by the TNA Coordinator. The assignment will commence late June 2021 and end May 2023.
Payment of fees will be based on the deliverable, and transferred directly to the bank account of the consultant by UDP upon approval of outputs by the National TNA Coordinator and UDP.
All working papers, draft reports and Final Report must be prepared and submitted in soft copies in English Language.
Selection Process and Selection Criteria
The selection process will be carried out by the TNA Coordinator with the assistance of UDP. The selection will be based on criteria such as i) relevant qualifications, ii) experiences, iii) skills, iv) contributions on climate change adaptation, national and international development objectives and sector policies, and v) understanding of the methodological approach to the assignment. Lastly, the consultant needs to have a good understanding of the local context and well-established networks in the country.
Application Procedure
To express your interest please send your CV, cover letter and contact details for 2 references to
Nancy Raeka , , Barnabas Bago, and Subash Dhar, by
25th of June 2020. Applications received after 4:30 pm (Solomon Islands time) on the 25th of June will not be accepted.
Website: ToR Expert Consultant Adaptation Specialist Solomon Islands
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