Maries Kitchen: Cakes for Every Occasion

Maries Kitchen: Cakes for Every Occasion

BY JOY OFASIA Baking is loved by many and is one of the most well-known hobby people passionate and have turn into moneymaking. Well here in Solomon Islands many talented bakers have turned their baki...

Passion for Baking Cakes: When Hobby Becomes Business

Passion for Baking Cakes: When Hobby Becomes Business

A Young Mother Shares About Starting Her Own Cake Business And The Challenges That Come With It BY JOHN HOUANIHAU BAKING has been a hobby for Ms Ilalina Bisili who then later utilised her skills to st...

Single Mother Inspired By Sewing to Start a Tailoring Business.

Single Mother Inspired By Sewing to Start a Tailoring Business.

Related Links: Solomon Directory ,Solomon Women, Solomon Classified BY ALADDIN EVO “INVESTMENT on yourself and time is the most important value I have learned.” These are the words of Annet Faith Upa,...
