From: The Honourable Minister Tozen Leokana, MP, South Choiseul, Permanent Secretary Dr. Franco Rodie, Senior Management Team, Deputy Secretaries and staff of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development
Happy 46th Independence Day Greetings
In the 46 years since our Independence, we have archived dynamic milestones and learned invaluable lessons. This is reflected in this year’s theme. “Charting Our United and Transformative Future Together,” Which aligns with the significant reforms undertaken by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development to guide our past and present education into the future.
In recent years, our island nation has faced significant challenges as we strive for progress in an unequal world. We acknowledge our role as active participants in this global landscape, endeavouring to understand and contribute responsibly. Neverthless , ‘umi tugeda…’ symbolizes the strength and dedication in preparing young Solomon Islanders to tackle the numerous development challenges and social changes facing the nation. Every child in ECE, Primary, and Secondary school has the right to and deserves a relevant and quality education that enables them to fully participate in daily life and cultural activities, thereby wholly fulfilling their potential.
Let us celebrate this 46th Independence Day by reflecting on our progress and embracing the new journey in education initiated by the enactment of the new Education Act 2023 by Parliament on 12th October.
This act sets a new direction for our education system, shaping a future where individuals gain the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to earn a living and to live in harmony with others and their environment. Together, we strive for a united and progressive society where everyone can live in peace and harmony with fair and equitable opportunities for a better life.
As we commemorate our independence, remember our forefathers and leaders who demonstrated faith and strength in believeing in the Solomons as a sovereign nation. Education is fundamental to our society, both now and in the future, playing a crucial role in preparing Solomon Islanders to meet the development challenges and changes our country experiences.
The new Education Act 2023 creates an enabling environment for improving the coordination of education at the provincial level, the contribution of education providers, the operation of schools and ECE centers, the employment and management of teachers, and the funding and administration of the education system. We acknowledge the commitment and sacrifices of our students, teachers, schools, education providers, donor partners, and all education stakeholders.
Let us all continue to work together to do things differently to achieve a quality and relevant education for all. Therefore “Charting Our United and Transformative Future Together”, Education is fundamental to SI’s present and future.
May God richly bless our beautiful country Solomon Islands, from shore to shore to stand for evermore
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