• Ministry Of Mines & Energy: SPIRES

Ministry Of Mines & Energy: SPIRES



Type : Notice
Date : August 14, 2023


REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST: Stimulating Progress towards Improved Rural Electrification in the Solomons, SPIRES Project


Country: Solomon Islands
Project Name: Stimulating Progress towards Improved Rural Electrification in Solomons (SPIRES) Project

1. Background And Sector Context:

The Solomon Islands Government (SIG) as the implementing partner for the Stimulating Progress towards Improved Rural Electrification in Solomons (SPIRES) Project has received funding from the Global Environment Facility through partnering with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The SPIRES Project’s goal is reduced annual growth rate of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the energy and energy end use sector of the Solomon Islands.

Its objective is the facilitation of the achievement of increased access to electricity in rural communities in the country.

It is focused on the enhanced application of low carbon technologies, techniques and practices to support Solomon Islands’ rural electrification program, particularly in achieving the set target of 35% electricity access in rural areas in line with the following major strategies:

(a) Review, improvement, approval and enforcement of appropriate policy, planning and regulatory frameworks that will support enhanced and accelerated electrification of the off-grid areas in the country;

(b) Development and enforcement of suitable institutional and financial mechanisms in the integrated planning and implementation of rural electrification in the country.

(c) Development and implementation of cost-effective demonstrations of various schemes for rural electrification in the off-grid areas involving the private sector, civil society organizations (CSOs), non-government organizations (NGOs)and local communities; and

(d) Design and conduct of information, communication and education activities to improve levels of awareness and knowledge of the government, private sector and citizenry on climate resilient and low carbon development of off-grid areas.

This will be achieved through the implementation of the corresponding four components:

(1) Renewable Energy (RE) and Rural Electrification Policies, Regulations and Planning Improvements.

(2) Promotion of RE and Rural Electrification Initiatives.

(3) RE Technology Applications for Supporting Rural Socio- Economic Development; and

(4) RE& Energy Efficiency (EE) Capacity Building.

The total cost of the project is USD 19,165,257.

This is financed through a GEF grant of USD 2,639,726, and total co-financing of USD16,525,531 from Ministry of Mines, Energy & Rural Electrification (MMERE), Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management & Meteorology (MECDM), Ministry of Fisheries & Marine Resources (MFMR), Ministry of Health & Medical Services (MHMS), Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Labor& Immigration (MCILI) and UNDP.

The MMERE would now like to recruit individuals and consultants to assist in the various activities to be supported through the project.

2.  Objective of the assignment

The MMERE is seeking to hire all positions below to help the Energy Division (ED) of the MMERE to provide the strategic and technical support needed for the implementation of the project.

Overall: all position will formed the SPIRES Project Management Unit (PMU) directly under the supervision of the Energy Division of MMERE and UNDP Solomon Islands Country Manager through the Resilient Sustainable Development Team Leader from UNDP Solomon Islands and Permanent Secretary MMERE through Director, Energy Division and will be reporting to the Project Management Unit (PMU) in liaison with the Project Manager.

The PMU will provide technical advice and assist in terms of capacity development of project staff on RE technologies as according to the project, outputs and activities.

The PMU will be in working closely with Energy Division staff, and project partners.

These positions are required for the technical, planning, management, monitoring, progress and financial reporting of SPIRES.

All positions will work for the SPIRES PMU and closely liaise with UNDP Solomon Islands Country Manager and Resilient Sustainable Development Team Leader, Project Director, Director & Deputy Director Energy Division, Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification, Deputy Secretary (GEF Operational Focal Point), Director Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management & Meteorology and in close consultation with other UNDP offices, other government line ministries and key stakeholders

3.  Duration

The positions are for an initial period of 12 months(negotiable) with expected opportunity to renew up to a period of 6 months.

4.  Selection

All positions will be selected in accordance with the Public Finance Management Act 2013, Part 9 – Procurement and Public Resources set out in the PROCUREMENT & CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION MANUAL, Section 4.

The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for ALL the positions will be made available on request to Energy Division and UNDP Solomon Office at the contact details provided in section 5 below.

The SPIRES Project Management Unit Positions are.

Project Community Liaison Office 1 x position

Project Communication, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer1 x position

5. Application and Submission

Interested eligible individuals or consultants can obtain further information at the address below during office hours 8 am to 4:30 pm on business days, Monday to Friday or through emails.

Energy Division
Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification
PO Box G37, Honiara
Telephone number: +677 21525/21522 or +677 27446 Ext 5525
Email: GAimaea@mmere.gov.sb
Email: wendy.wara@undp.org

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below, in person, by mail, or by e-mail, before 4.00pm on 18th August 2023.

The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification
PO Box G37, Honiara,
Solomon Islands
Attn: Project Manager – SPIRES
Telephone number: +677 21522 or +677 21525 +677 27446 Ext 5525
E-mail: Gabriel Aimaea – GAimaea@mmere.gov.sb
E-mail: Wendy Wara – wendy.wara@undp.org

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