• Ministry of Infrastructure & Development : 2024 46th Independence Message – From:  Honourable Manasseh Maelanga (MP)

Ministry of Infrastructure & Development : 2024 46th Independence Message – From:  Honourable Manasseh Maelanga (MP)



Type : Special Messages
Date : July 4, 2024
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From:  Honourable Manasseh Maelanga (MP), the Permanent

Secretary Allan Lilia, Deputy Secretaries, Directors, Senior officials

Management and Staff of the Ministry of Infrastructure Development.

To: His Excellency the Governor General, Hon. Prime Minster and his Cabinet

Ministers, Hon Speaker of the National Parliament, Hon chief Justice. Leader

of Opposition, Leader of the Independent group, Members of Parliament, The

Honiara City Lord Major, Council Members, the Provincial Premiers, Church

Leaders, Chiefs, Elders and Community Leaders, all Business houses, Aid

Donors, NGOs, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, People living with

Disabilities and the good People of Solomon Islands.

Special Message:

It is my joy and privilege as the Minister on behalf of the management and staff of

Ministry of Infrastructure Development, take this opportunity to wish our

Government and all Solomon Islanders, all visiting friends and the many friends of

Solomon Islands living and working in Solomon Islands and abroad a Happy 46th

Independence Anniversary. On the same note let me acknowledge many leaders who

Served this nation both in the public and private sector.

It is my prayer this year that we all reflect on the past 46 years and give glory to God

For all the blessings we have received and thank Him for all the opportunities He has

Given us since we gained Independence 46 years ago. We need to learn from some

Valuable lessons from the past years and progress into the future as partners to

Development. As we celebrate and reflect from the past 46 years, let us all understand

That without INFRASTRUCTURE there will be no DEVELOPMENT.

With God’s guidance, we can keep Solomon Islands peaceful and progressive by being

Responsible citizens. Let us celebrate & enjoy the freedom to live independently in our

Country and by the Grace of God, we can together build our nation Solomon Islands.

As you celebrate, think safety first.

God Bless Solomon Islands

Happy 46th Independence Celebrations!

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