Ministry of Health and Medical Services
VACANCY 03/2021
Solomon Islands COVID-19 Emergency Response Project – Project Management Unit (PMU)
In January 2021, the Government of Solomon Islands and the World Bank signed a Financing Agreement for the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) to set up a Project Management Unit (PMUU) within the MHMS.
The MHMS and the PMU will be responsible for the implementation of a Covid-19 Emergency Response Project.
The objective of the Project is to prevent, detect and response to the threat by Covid-19 and to strengthen national systems for public health preparedness in Solomon Islands.
The Covid-19 ERP will have 3 components:
Part 1: Emergency Covid – 19 Preparedness and Response,
Part 2: Health System Strengthening
Part 3: Implementation Management and Monitoring and Evaluation.
The PMU will be responsible for the overall management and implementation of the Project in MHMS, including responsibility for carrying out day-to-day management and implementation of the Project, and coordinating with other government ministries/agencies and relevant stakeholders on all aspects of Project Implementation;
For the PMU set up, the MHMS is seeking applications for the following PMU positions:
Vacancy Reference N0: 2/2021
Position N0: Short Term Contract
Position Title: Financial Management Officer
Division: PMU
Level: L10
Location: Honiara
Required Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in either accounting
Important note for interested candidates
Information Packages (including RS Form 6 and the Job Description ) for each position are available and can be obtained from the Ministry of Health and Medical Services Head Quarters at Honiara China Town.
Documents Required:
1. RS Form 6-Applicationss for Employment Solomon Islands Government Cover Sheet
2. Letter of application
3. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
4. Certified copies of your qualifications
5. 2 Reference Letter (Non-relative)
Closing Date for Application: 28th May 2021
You can post or hand deliver or email your application and the certified copies of your qualifications. DO NOT send originals.
Please note: All documents submitted as part of the application will remain the property of the Solomon Islands government and will not be returned to applicants. AND only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
For all queries about the application process or the positions please contact the HR Team:
Names: Billy Robin / Joseph Gari Phone: 23204/28045
Emails: /
Send your application addressed to:
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Health and Medical Service
P.O. Box 349,Honiara
Attn: HRM Vacancy ref No. and state Post Title and number.
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