• Ministry of Finance: Tender Invitation

Ministry of Finance: Tender Invitation



Type : Notice
Date : July 16, 2021
Condition : New


1. The Ministry of Finance and Treasury now invites sealed Tenders from eligible and
qualified Tenderers for the following

NO CTB Number Tender Name Closing Date
1 CTB C17/21:  Preferred suppliers Arrangement for ICT  Goods : 22 July 2021
2 CTB C18/21: Supply of Printers/Scanner and Tonner under Preferred Suppliers Arrangement :22 July 2021

2. The Procuring Entity has budget funds available and intends that part of the proceeds
of the budget will be used to cover eligible payments under the contract for the supply of ICT
Goods and Preferred supplier arrangement for Printers/Scanner and Tonner

3. Tendering will be conducted through the Competitive Bidding procedures as specified
in the SIG Financial Instructions and the Procurement and Contract Administration Manual
and is open to all Tenderers as defined in the ITT.

4. Tenderers must meet the following qualification requirements to be considered for
4a: Is an SIG-registered company established since 2017; with CRN, TIN and bank
4b: Accepts LPO — which means that full payment shall be made after the goods have
been inspected and accepted and have been determined as complying to
Purchaser’s technical specifications in all respect;
4c: Carries the range of IT Goods shown in the Schedule of Requirements;
4d: Maintains display stores, storage and warehousing facilities;
4e: Has successfully completed at least one similar supply contract of similar size in
similar delivery site conditions in the last five years;
4f: Has earned a total gross sales volume of at least $1 million in any one year in the
last five years;
4g: Has liquid assets and/or credit facilities, net of other contractual commitments, of
no less than 20% of total tender price; and
4h: Has no record of poor or failure of contract performance in previous supply
contracts with any government agency or private entities.

5. Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information from and inspect the

Tender Documents at the offices of the Procuring Entity: Ministry of Finance and Treasury,
Point Cruz, Mendana Avenue, Honiara, Solomon Islands during business hours on Mondays
to Fridays inclusive except on public holidays; or the website www.mof.gov.sb  at your
SBD Major Goods v.1 March 2013

6. A complete set of Tender Documents can be obtained by interested Tenderers from
address below upon providing receipt of non-refundable fee of SBD$200 which can be paid
at MOFT Cashier.

Procurement Unit,
Ministry of Finance & Treasury
Email: PMaruarofa@mof.gov.sb
Phone: 28300

7. Interested eligible tenderers are also invited to attend a Pre-bid/Tender briefing on

Monday 12th July 2021 at MOFT Leaf hut.

Please observe MOFT access requirement by
wearing a mask.  Time: 10:00am to 12pm

8. All Tenders in one original plus two (2) copies, properly filled in, and enclosed in plain
envelopes must be delivered to the address below at or before 2 pm, 22th July 2021.

Tenders will be opened promptly thereafter in the presence of Tenderers’ representatives who choose
to attend the opening at the following address:

Central Tender Board
Ministry of Finance and Treasury
Point Cruz, Mendana Avenue, Honiara

Solomon Islands

Mention classified.islesmedia.net when calling seller to get a good deal



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