• Ministry of Culture & Tourism: 9 Vacancy Post

Ministry of Culture & Tourism: 9 Vacancy Post



Type : Notice
Date : September 20, 2022


Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the following vacant positions in the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Men and Women from all provinces are encouraged to apply.

No: 1: Vacancy Ref No: MCT/HQ1/2022

Position No: 287-00002

Position Title: Deputy Secretary (Readvertised)

Level: SS2.1

Location: HQ & Admin. Honiara

Required Qualification, experiences and skills: Master’s degree (Public Policy Management, Public Administration, Management, Economics or Tourism Management) and at least 10 years’ work experiences in senior management positions either with private or public sector organizations)

N0.2: Vacancy Ref No: MCT/CD1/2022

Position No: 287-00060

Position Title: Deputy Director Culture

Level: 10/11

Location: Culture division

Required Qualifications, experiences and skills. Postgraduate diploma in Sociology, BA degree in Anthropology, Sociology and/or Cultural Studies.

No: 3: Vacancy Ref No: MCT / CD1/ 2022               

Position No: 287-00011

Position Title: Deputy Director

Level: 10/11

Location: Tourism division

Required Qualification, experience and skills: Postgraduate Diploma in Tourism Management and/or Bachelor of Art degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management.

No: 4: Vacancy No: 287-00089

Position No: MCT / TD2 / 2022

Position Title: Principal Tourism Officer (ME)

Level: 8/9

Location: Tourism division

Required Qualification, experience and skills: Postgraduate diploma in Tourism Management and/or Bachelor of Art degree in Tourism Management (Monitoring and Evaluation)

No: 5: Vacancy Ref No: MCT/NMD1/2022

Position No: 287-00022

Position Title: Ethnologist

Level: 9/10

Location: Museum division

Required Qualification, experience and skills: Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology, Anthropology and/or Museum studies, and work experiences in the museum organization.

No: 6: Vacancy Ref No: MCT/NMD2/2022

Position No: 287-00063

Position Title: National Auditorium Operation Manager

Level: 6/7

Location: Museum division

Required qualification, experiences and skills: Bachelor of Art degree in Performing Arts and work experience in organizing and hosting cultural events.

No: 7:  Vacancy Ref No: MCT/NMD3/2022

Position No: 287-00027

Position Title: Senior Typist

Level: 5/6

Location: Museum division

Required qualification, experiences and skills: Diploma in Secretarial studies and/or Business Studies (Administration) and work experiences in general administration duties.

No: 8: Vacancy Ref No: MCT/NAD1/2022 

Position No: 287-00085

Position Title: Digitization Officer

 Level: 7/8

Location: Archives division

Required qualifications, experiences and skills:  Bachelor’s Degree in information Management and/or Archives and Records Management and work experiences in the Field of Archives management.

No: 9: Vacancy Ref No: MCT/NAD2/2022

Position No: 287-00043

Position Title: Archivist Assistant – Research

Level: 3/4

Location: Archives division

Required qualifications, experiences and skills: Certificate in Archiving and Records Management and/or Library Management with at least two years’ work experiences in Archives or Library organizations.


Closing date for Applicants: 3rd October 2022, (4:35pm)

A copy of the Application for Employment Cover Sheet Forms (RS FORM 6), Job Description (RS FORM 2) and information packs for each position are available and can be obtained from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism at the first floor (level 1) of Anthony Saru Building.

Documents Required

RS FORM 6 – Application for Employment Solomon Islands Government Cover Sheet,

Letter of Application (Addressing KSC in the JD),

Curriculum Vitae (CV),

Certified copies of your qualification (do not send original), and

Two written reference letter or provide contact details of two referees so that ministry will liaise directly with them.

You will need to post, or hand deliver the certified copies of your qualifications, as these cannot be sent by email. Do NOT send originals.

Please note: All documents submitted as part of the application will remain the property of Solomon Islands Government and will not be returned to applicants.

Medical Report and Police Clearance

You do NOT have to provide copies of medical report or police clearance when you apply, but if you are shortlisted this will be discussed with you.


For all queries about the application process or the positions, please contact:

Richard Rehomae,
Human Resource Manager,
Email: RRehomae@tourism.gov.sb


Nina P. Fakaomea,
Senior Administration Officer,
Email: NFakaomea@tourism.gov.sb
Phone: 677-21506 & 28603

Addressed and send your application to:

Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Culture and Tourism
P.O. Box G20, Honiara,
Solomon Islands

All envelope to be marked with: Vacancy Ref. number, Position Title and Position number.

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