Employer: Ministry of Infrastructure Development
Project: MID New Test Lane
Contract Title: Proposed Concrete Retain Wall and Grid Mesh Fencing to New Test Lane at Mechanical Compound, MID. Honiara
Contract Number: CTB C48/21.
1. The Ministry of Infrastructure Development now invites sealed Bids from eligible contractors to carry out this Proposed Concrete Retain Wall and Grid Mesh Fencing to new test lane at mechanical compound, MID in Honiara, Solomon Islands.
2. Bidding will be conducted via the SIG Bidding procedures and is open to all eligible contractors.
3. Copy of the bidding document can be obtained from the Architecture and Building Management Services, QS Section, MID Head Office. Attention Ms. Thecla Piruku upon payments Services, QS Section, MID Head Office. Attention Ms. Thecla Pirukr upon payments of non – refundable tender fee of $SBD $200.00 payable to MID Cashier.
4. A Compulsory Pre-Tender Meeting is Scheduled for Thursday 23rd September 2021 at 10:00 am at Mechanical Workshop Compound, MID in Honiara.
Note: Any bids received from contractors who fall to attend the Compulsory Pre-Tender Meeting and Site Inspection Visit as per the above-mentioned meeting schedule date will be considered as none-responsive and disqualified from being considered.
5. In addition, only eligible Bidders with key qualifications given below should participate in this bidding
6.Bid must be delivered in sealed envelopes labelled with the address provided below and hand delivered to Ministry of Finance and Treasury on or before 2.00 pm on Monday 27th September 2021.
Chairman Central Tender Board
Ministry of Finance and Treasury
P.O. Box 26
Electronic bids will not be accepted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will publicly opened in the presence of the contractors or their designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the MoFT Leaf Hut on Thursday 30th September 2021 at 2.00pm or soon thereafter.
7.All enquiries related to the bidding documents are to be directed to Mr. Philiph Baura, Director (ABMSD) on telephone 21141 or via email:
TELEPHONE: [677] 28635/21141
FACSIMILE: [677] 28706
Mention when calling seller to get a good deal