Provincial Government of Western Provincial
Invitation to Tender
Termite Treatment to Newly Completed Classroom Blocks
Qualified Bidders are invited to tender for the Services described below. Bidding Document can be obtained from the Planning Office at the Gizo Provincial Headquarters by paying a Tender Fee of $100.00 at the Provincial cashier or a deposit to the Provincial BSP A/C # 8400200801 and send a copy of the deposit slip to the email address below.
Complete Bids are to be placed in a sealed envelop and to be addressed to the;
Provincial Secretary;
Western Provincial Government;
P.O Box 36, Gizo,
Western Province.
The contract Number and Name should be clearly marked on the envelop before submission.
All completed bids are to be submitted to the Provincial Planning Office, Provincial Headquarters before the Deadline for Submission of Bids will be opened in public fifteen minutes after the
Deadline for Submission of Bids. Bids will be opened in public fifteen minutes after the Deadline for Submission.
1.EDU/20/06 – Termite Treatment to Lengana Primary School Classroom
2.EDU/20/07 – Termite Treatment to Paradise Community High School
3.EDU/20/08 – Termite Treatment to Sidoko Community High School Classroom Building.
4.EDU/20/09 – Termite Treatment to Varese Community High School Classroom Building.
Time Allowed for Completion:
Pre-Bid Conference
Deadline for Submission of Bids
Two (3) Weeks
10 am, Monday 18th January 2021, Planning Office, Provincial Headquarters
2 pm, Monday 25th January 2021
General Contractor or Labour Contractor
In business for minimum 2 years
Certified Termite Treatment Service Provider
Registered with IRD and has a TIN Certificated
Valid Business Licence
No default on previous on previous Provincial Government contracts
Qualifications of the preferred tenderer will be checked before award of the contract.
The Provincial Government is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender. Failure to comply with the tender instructions may lead to disqualification of the tender.
Any attempt by a tenderer to influence the award of the tender in their favour will cause automatic disqualification and may lead to criminal proceedings.
Further information regarding the Tender is available from the:
Provincial Procurement Specialist
Western Provincial Headquarters
Mobile: 7622314
Mention when calling seller to get a good deal