Ministry of Forestry: Letter Of Invitation



Type : Notice
Date : August 6, 2021
Condition : New


Section I – Letter of Invitation

 Date: 03/08/2021

To all Tenderers

Tenders Reference Number : MoFR 01 /2021

CTB reference: CTB C29/21

Project Name: Construction of proposed extension & re-modelling to the existing utilization division office- at Henderson yard, Guadalcanal province for Ministry of forestry and research

Tender closed: Thursday 19th August 2021

The Ministry of Forestry and Research has budget funding for the following works Construction of proposed extension & re-modelling to the existing utilization division office –at Henderson yard, Guadalcanal Province for ministry of forestry and research and now invites interested eligible Contractor to submit tender for the provision of these works. Full details are provided in the attached Technical Specification and Bill of quantities /Schedule of Activities.

The expected start date on site is beginning of October 2021

The expected completion date is November 2021

A contractor will be selected under Solomon Islands Government Competitive Tendering procedures, specified in SIG Financial Instructions 2010 and the Procurement and Contractor Administration Manual 2013, and is open to all eligible Tenderer.

A complete set of Tender document in English may be obtained by the interested Tenderer on the submission of a personal or writing application to the address below.

To be eligible for evaluation a tenderer must meet the following criteria:

•  Be duty registered business under SIG laws; updated company haus status.

•  Have a Tax identification Number (TIN) issued by the Internal Revenue Division of MoFT; please certified.

•  Maintain a bank account with any bank operating in Solomon Islands ;Reference letter from bank ,

•  Not be subject to ‘blacklisting’ or restrictions to eligibility as per Instruction to Tenderer clause 1, 4.

• Financial Soundness such as credit rating, financial stability etc.

•  Must have Technical Qualified Personals and Equipment

A complete set of Tender documents in English may be obtained by applying by email to the Tender Administration at

(a) below ,during normal working hours .

A tender briefing will be conducted at MORF HQ to Tenderers who choose to attend at the address and time in at:

(b) below –  All Tenders in one original plus one copy, properly filled in, and enclosed in plain envelopes must be delivered to the address

(c) below –  Tenders shall be valid for a period of 90 days after the deadline of Tender submission.

Tenders must be delivered in sealed envelopes to the address below at or before 2:00pm Thursday 19th August 2021.

Tenders shall be valid for a period of 90 days after the deadline of Tender submission .

Tender will be opened promptly thereafter in public and in the presence of the Tenderers ‘ representative who choose to attend at the address below.

Late or incomplete tenders shall not be accepted.

Take note that any attempt by a Tenderer to influence the award of the tender in favour of any tenderer will lead to disqualification of that tenderer and may lead to criminal proceedings.

a)Tender Administration :

  • Stephanie Rikoi,
  • Director
  • Utilization Division
  • Ministry of Forestry & Research
  • Phone: (+677) 24215
  • Email:

b)Tender Submission :

  • Time: At or before 2pm, Thursday 19th August 2021
  • To: Chair, Central Tender Board
  • Ministry of Financial and Treasury, P.O Box 26
  • Mendana Avenue

c)Tender Opening :

  • Time: 2:30 pm, Thursday
  • Place: Central Tender Board,
  • Ministry of Finance and Treasury
  • Leaf Hut, MoFT Compound
  • Honiara,

Approved by:


Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Forestry and Research


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