• Ministry of Communication & Aviation : Tender Invitation

Ministry of Communication & Aviation : Tender Invitation



Type : Notice
Date : June 29, 2021
Condition : New



Name of Contract : General Maintenance Provincial Airport

Contract Number: MTB APMW 06/21

To All Eligible Contractors:

1 The Ministry Of Communication and Aviation, hereinafter called the “Employer “shall fund this procurement from its SIG Recurrent Budget allocation.

2 The Purchase now invites sealed tenders from eligible and qualified tenderers for the Maintenance and Upkeep of Marau Airport. The contract duration is 12months.

3 The Employer now invites sealed tender s from eligible and qualified tenderers for the above described works. Takes note that tenderer can bid for only one airport.

4 Tendering will be conducted through the Solomon islands Government (SIG) Standard Competitive Tendering procedures, and is open to all eligible tenderers as defined in the tender document.

5 To qualify for award of the contract ,tenderers shall meet the following minimum qualifying criteria :

•SIG- registered company with TIN ,certification of business registration ,and a bank account ,and has been in the business of construction since 2018;

•Have successfully completed at least one similar work of similar size or value in similar conditions in the last three years ;

•Have at its disposal for used in the contract appropriate airport maintenance tools and equipment ;have qualified workers and experience supervision ;

•Have earn an annual gross sales worth at least twice the total tender price, in any one year in the last three years.

•Show evidence in its 2018 financial statement the availability of liquid assets, net of outstanding contractual commitments, of at least 20%of total tender price; alternatively, must show an evidence of access to a credit line with a reputable local bank to finance the contract; and not have been blacklisted nor suspended by any SIG ministry or agency; it must have no record of poor or failure of performance in any of its previous contracts.

6 An interested eligible tenderers may obtain further information from the Ministry of Communication and Aviation Office at Ranadi Office, Eastern Building –up stairs and inspect the Tender Documents at the given address during business hours .You may also contact the office number on phone : 30730 or Email , ABabalu@mca.gov.sb or TVeo@mca.gov.sb

7  A complete set of tender documents in English may be obtained by interested tenderers upon payment of a non-refundable fee of SBD200.00 .Payment shall strictly be in cash only payable at the MCA HQ cashier or at the Ministry of Finance & Treasury Counter .Receipt must be presented at the above address, a printout copy or a CD can be collected containing a soft copy of the bid documents and the BOQ.

8 Tenderer are invited to attend the pre-tender briefing where the Purchaser will respond to any queries or requests for clarification they might have on the tender documents .This pre-tender meeting will commence at 2pm on Wednesday 30th June 2021 at the following address.

MCA Leaf Hut

Honiara International Airport Henderson,


9. Tenders, comprising the documents identified in the instruction to Tenderers (ITT), and following the requirements of the ITT, must be delivered to the address below at or before 2:00pm (local time) on Thursday, 8th July 2021 at the Central Tender Board Cashier at the Ministry of Finance and Treasury Building at Town Ground in Honiara.

The Chairman

Ministerial Tender Board

Ministry Of Communication and Aviation

Honiara international Airport, Henderson

10. All Tenderers shall be accompanied by a copy of the receipt confirming the purchase of the Tenderers Documents. All tenders in one (1) original plus one (1) copy, properly filled in, and enclosed in plain envelopes marked with the “Tender Number & Tender Name” and the Tenderer’s Name on the outside of the envelope .Late tenders will rejected .Tenders will be opened promptly thereafter in the presence of the suppliers ‘representative who choose to attend at the address below at 4:00pm on Thursday 8th July 2021.

Ministry of Communication and Aviation

Honiara International Airport

Honiara, Solomon Islands

11.The central Tender Board is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender .Failure to comply with the tender instructions may lead to disqualification of the tender.

12.Any attempt by a tenderer to influence the award of the tender in their favour will result in automatic disqualification and may lead to criminal proceedings.

Moses Virivolomo

Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Communication and Aviation


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